Form Settings

When you want to modify the form public access, time limit, IP limit and other settings, click the "Form settings" button of the page.


Progress bar

You can easily let respondents know how close they are to completing your form.

Progress bar

View all questions

You can enable it to allow respondents to go through all the questions.

View all questions

You can enable it to let respondents navigate between questions.

Navigation arrows

Form public access

Close form

When you switch on this setting, the form status will be inactive. At this time, the form can't be accessed and submitted by people.

Form Settings

Expiration date

The form can only be accessed and submitted in a specific date range when you set up this setting.

Expiration date

Countdown (time limit)

If you want to limit the time for people to submit the form, you can set a time here, which is usually used in exam scenarios.


HeyForm provides three-timing units: "hour", "minute" and "second". The form will count down when the respondent opens the web browser.

Once time is up, the form will be closed and can't be submitted. If the respondent wants to submit again, he can only refresh the web browser and re-submit it.


IP address limit

When you don't want the same IP address to submit too many times in a short period, you can set this setting. HeyForm provides two ways for this:

  • The same IP address is only allowed to submit the form once
  • The same IP address can submit up to several times in a certain period

IP address limit

Maximum submission limit

This option will limit the number of submissions. If the number of submissions exceeds the maximum number you have set, the form will not be allowed to submit anymore.

Maximum submission limit


Save time and reach a wider audience by creating a single form with multiple language options. No need to worry about translations, as OpenAI GPT will handle all the hard work for you.

We currently support 7 languages:

  • English
  • German
  • French
  • Japanese
  • Polish
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Taiwan)

Primary language

When a user's language isn't supported or lacks available translations, all form elements such as questions, default buttons and validation errors will display in the primary language.




Password protection

Secure your form with a single, easy-to-remember password.

Password protection

Bots Prevention

Prevent bot submissions by enabling the captcha.

Bots Prevention


Enable to prevent spam submissions.
