

One Click Deployment

Easy to deploy with one click and come with free credits.
If you want to bound your own domain to Railway or Zeabur, please replace APP_HOMEPAGE_URL with your own domain name like this below and redeploy the instance:
notion image

Deploy with Docker


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:
  • Basic knowledge of Docker and containerization principles.
  • Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your machine.


Using this sample file as a reference create a docker.env file or environment in docker-compose.yml to contain the environment variables for your installation.

Docker Compose

1⃣️ Install Docker and Docker Compose:
For macOS users, you can install them by Homebrew:
brew install docker docker-compose
For Windows users, you can install them by Chocolatey:
choco install docker-desktop docker-compose -y
2⃣️ Create a docker-compose.yml file, an example configuration with all dependencies dockerized and environment variables is as follows:
Here are four different use cases. Please refer to their APP_HOMEPAGE_URL settings. Incorrect settings may result in login issues.
Run on your own computer
version: "3" services: heyform: image: heyform/community-edition:latest restart: "always" volumes: # Perist uploaded images - assets:/app/static/upload depends_on: - mongo - redis ports: - "9513:8000" environment: # The homepage of a website is the URL that you open in your browser # The port here should be consistent with the exposed one (should be 9513 NOT 8000) APP_HOMEPAGE_URL: SESSION_KEY: "key1" FORM_ENCRYPTION_KEY: "key2" MONGO_URI: "mongodb://mongo:27017/heyform" REDIS_HOST: redis REDIS_PORT: 6379 mongo: image: mongo:4.4.29 restart: "always" volumes: # Persist mongodb data - database:/data/db ports: - "27017:27017" redis: image: redis restart: "always" command: "redis-server --appendonly yes" volumes: # Persist redis data - redis:/data ports: - "6379:6379" volumes: assets: driver: local driver_opts: type: none o: bind device: ./assets database: driver: local driver_opts: type: none o: bind device: ./database redis: driver: local driver_opts: type: none o: bind device: ./redis
Connect MongoDB with username and password
version: "3" services: heyform: image: heyform/community-edition:latest restart: "always" volumes: # Perist uploaded images - ./assets:/app/static/upload depends_on: - mongo - redis ports: - "9513:8000" environment: # The homepage of a website is the URL that you open in your browser # The port here should be consistent with the exposed port (should be :9513 NOT 8000) APP_HOMEPAGE_URL: SESSION_KEY: "key1" FORM_ENCRYPTION_KEY: "key2" MONGO_URI: "mongodb://mongo:27017/heyform?authSource=admin" MONGO_USER: "root" MONGO_PASSWORD: "passexample" REDIS_HOST: redis REDIS_PORT: 6379 mongo: image: mongo:4.4.29 restart: "always" volumes: # Persist mongodb data - ./database:/data/db ports: - "27017:27017" environment: MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME: root MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: passexample redis: image: redis restart: "always" command: "redis-server --appendonly yes" volumes: # Persist redis data - ./redis:/data ports: - "6379:6379"
Allow other computers in the local network to access
version: "3" services: heyform: image: heyform/community-edition:latest restart: "always" volumes: # Perist uploaded images - ./assets:/app/static/upload depends_on: - mongo - redis ports: - "9513:8000" environment: # Your IP address in the local network, e.g. APP_HOMEPAGE_URL: SESSION_KEY: "key1" FORM_ENCRYPTION_KEY: "key2" MONGO_URI: "mongodb://mongo:27017/heyform" REDIS_HOST: redis REDIS_PORT: 6379 mongo: image: mongo:4.4.29 restart: "always" volumes: # Persist mongodb data - ./database:/data/db ports: - "27017:27017" redis: image: redis restart: "always" command: "redis-server --appendonly yes" volumes: # Persist redis data - ./redis:/data ports: - "6379:6379"
Deploy to a public server
# docker-compose.yml version: "3" services: heyform: image: heyform/community-edition:latest restart: "always" volumes: # Perist uploaded images - ./assets:/app/static/upload depends_on: - mongo - redis ports: - "9513:8000" environment: # Your website homepage URL, e.g. APP_HOMEPAGE_URL: SESSION_KEY: "key1" FORM_ENCRYPTION_KEY: "key2" MONGO_URI: "mongodb://mongo:27017/heyform" REDIS_HOST: redis REDIS_PORT: 6379 mongo: image: mongo:4.4.29 restart: "always" volumes: # Persist mongodb data - ./database:/data/db ports: - "27017:27017" redis: image: redis restart: "always" command: "redis-server --appendonly yes" volumes: # Persist redis data - ./redis:/data ports: - "6379:6379"
# Nginx config # To deploy to a public server, you will also need to configure nginx for reverse proxying the NodeJs program server { listen 80; server_name; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header REMOTE-HOST $remote_addr; } }


Make sure you are in the same directory as docker-compose.yml and start HeyForm:
docker-compose up -d
When you run this command, by default, it does the following:
  • Create a database
  • Run the migrations
  • Start the HeyForm web app on port 9513
You can now navigate to http://<server ip>:9513 or and see the login screen. HeyForm itself does not perform SSL termination. It only runs on unencrypted HTTP. If you want to run on HTTPS you also need to set up a reverse proxy in front of the server.